Khashoggi's Tree, 22" x 14" x 14" Juniper wood, Stone, Brass, and Glass, 2019
Warrior Woman, 23" x 11" x 11" Steel, Glass, and Limestone, 2018
Red Rain Mountain, 25" x 12" x 10" Juniper Wood, Stone, Brass, and Glass, 2019
Walking Sparks, 7" x 5" x 3.5" to 18" x 13" x 7" Glass, Brass, and Steel, 2018
Second Standing Man, 36" x 16" x 11"Steel, Glass, Copper, Brass, Wood, 2017
Thinking Colors, 47" x 12" x 12" and 45" x 12" x 12"Stainless Steel, Glass, and Brass, 2015
Door Man,
37" x 16" x 8"Steel, Stainless Steel, and Glass, 2013
Optimist, 39" x 16' x 8"Steel, Glass, and Copper, 2013
37" x 16" x 8" Steel and Glass, 2013
Kanji Rock Flowers, 23" x 9" x 6" and 20' x 8" x 6"Steel, Limestone, and Glass, 2016
Wall Flower: Sun, 26" x 21" x 4"Steel,
Brass, and Glass, 2015
Winter Flower CropSteel, Glass, Limestone, Copper, Brass, 2016
Blue Star Flower, 15" x 6" x 7"Stainless steel and Glass, 2013
The Bride,
46" x 15" X 15"Steel and Glass, 2012
Love Line, 6" x 12" x 2"Steel and
Glass, 2016
Menagerie: Bird, 18"
x 9" x 6" Glass and Brass, 2010
Life Cycle, 2010 Recycled Steel, Glass, Copper, Recycled Wood, 18.5" x 16" x 5.5"
Difficult Crossing, at The People's Gallery in Austin City Hall, Austin TX, 36" x 36" x 2.5" Recycled
Steel, Glass, Copper, 2010
Winter Rock Flower Trio, 16" x 14"
x 10" Steel, Glass, and Limestone,
Sun Spot Sun,
37" x 31" x 11" Recycled Steel and Glass, 2009
Mind, 19" x 18" x 11" Steel, Glass, and Stainless Steel, 2009
Fruit of the Vine, 26" x 12" x 7" Stainless
Steel, Limestone and Glass, 2013
Alien Fork, 8" x2" x2"Altered Found Object, 1990
Solar Flower detail, 70"
x 29" x 20" Recycled Steel and Limestone, 2009
Shadow Tokonomo, 20" x 12" x13" Steel,
Glass, Mirror, Copper, and Found Objects, 2010

Sun Spot Sun, 37" x 31.5" x 11" Recycled Steel and Glass, 2009
Sun Spot Sun, 37"
x 31.5" x 11" Recycled Steel. Glass, 2011
Crawling Eye, 3.5" x
12" x 9" Recycled Steel. Glass, Copper, and Rubber, 2011
Crawling Eye, 3.5"
x 12" x 9" Recycled Steel. Glass, Copper, and Rubber, 2011
Crawling Eye, 3.5" x
12' x 9" Recycled Steel, Glass, and Copper,
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